Latest news

Monday 30th November

Mon 30 November 2020

Things are starting to quieten down here at La Grange as we back off the horses to allow them to have a well-deserved break over the Christmas period.

They remain in canter exercise on our Sand Canter but like us they are doing a bit less at this time of year and eating a bit more in preparation for a fitness drive come spring. The same can’t be said however for our yearlings, as they continue their learning process. We are now beginning to increase their work to give them a thorough education of what being a racehorse is all about. They have learnt to walk through the starting stalls and have now graduated to Warren Hill and are learning to go in pairs.

In other news, our smoking shelter pub has reopened on Wednesday and Fridays. It is a lovely incentive and gives all the lads a chance to relax and have a drink after work, socially distanced of course.

We have a few potential runners this week and I will let you know as to their progress.

Enjoy your week,

All the best,


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