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Girls on Tour

Thu 22 August 2013

Early on Wednesday morning Beatrice Aurore set off with Clare Arbon and Jane Duncan on her three day journey to Norway, where she is due to run in The Marit Sveaas Minnelop at Ovrevoll racecourse on Sunday 25th August.

 Of course three girls travelling across the channel will require an awful lot of baggage, so Beatrice and both girls were delighted to see the equivalent of a stretch limousine appear on Tuesday afternoon to be packed ready for the off early on Wednesday morning!

Once crossing the channel, the girls made their way to Dortmund Racecourse where Beatrice was to be stabled on Wednesday night. Agreeing to let Beatrice to sleep over on Wednesday night was very kind of the German racecourse, and allowed Jane to exercise her on Thursday morning, before setting off on the journey to Puttgarden where they would catch a ferry to Roedby Havn in Denmark.

Once in Denmark the girls drove to Jagersro Racecourse in Sweden where Beatrice was stabled on Thursday night, before setting off on the final part of her journey to Ovrevoll racecourse on Friday.

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